PROSPECTIVE OWNERS of a Doberman should be prepared to be kind but firm masters. If you are not firm, the dog may constantly irritate you by its over-activity and its demands. There are two things the Doberman owner must learn to say often; one is “NO” and the other is “GOOD DOG”. The Doberman thrives on praise from his family and can be crushed (temporarily) by a stern “NO”.
ALTHOUGH THE DOBERMAN IS A GOOD FAMILY DOG, he will usually have a distinct preference for one person, usually the person who gives him the most attention. It is unfair to the breed to expect every Doberman to welcome everyone into your home. He will be protective of his family and property. His first instinct will be protection, but with the proper cues and assurances from you, he will, and must, learn to be comfortable with letting people into your home.
BECAUSE MANY PEOPLE BELIEVE that Dobermans are untrustworthy or vicious, your Doberman must not be imposed upon people who are fearful of the breed. It is important that you have a pleasant place where your Doberman may be safely kept when you have such guests. It is helpful to purchase a wire crate of good size or a wire indoor “pen” in which you can put your Doberman (with a biscuit and a “Good Dog”) when you have to leave him alone. Although no Doberman should live permanently out of doors, you should have a fenced area where your dog can exercise and perform his necessary functions. There should be some shelter there and a soft place for him to lie down in the shade.
THE DOBERMAN, with his short coat, does not stand extremes of temperatures well. He IS NOT AN OUTSIDE DOG!!! This does not mean that he must spend all of his time indoors, but he must never be left outside when it is very cold, raining, or when it is very hot. A corner of a room, furnished with a soft bed, away from drafts, is a good place for your Doberman to learn to call his own.
A DOBERMAN PUPPY CAN BE VERY DESTRUCTIVE, chewing and tearing almost anything left with him. He should be given harmless toys to chew on, but ONLY WHEN YOU ARE WITH HIM. Never leave even the most harmless-seeming toy with a puppy when he is alone…he could swallow it and develop an obstruction, or he could choke on it. A “Nyla-bone” (which can be purchased in various sizes at your local pet store) is am excellent chew toy, and good for massaging the gums.
IF YOU ADOPT AN OLDER DOG you will find that he will become attached to you very quickly, and probably will be as dependent and demanding as a young puppy. As with a puppy, patience and understanding are required. Again, be kind and firm. Make sure he understands what you require of him and give him plenty of reassurance and encouragement. He will settle in and give you many years of love and devotion.
Borong The Warlock was a Champion in the mid 1950’s and one of a kind. If you can trace a line back 50+ years to him, then by now, it is very, very diluted and non-existent. Read the story about the real Warlock!
Many back yard breaders use the term ‘Warlock‘ simply to mean “big” Doberman — one that is larger than the Doberman Pinscher Club of America and the AKC standard allows. The DPCA standard is as follows:
“Height at the withers: Dogs 26 to 28 inches, ideal about 27 1/2 inches; Bitches 24 to 26 inches, ideal about 25 1/2 inches. The height, measured vertically from the ground to the highest point of the withers, equaling the length measured horizontally from the forechest to the rear projection of the upper thigh. Length of head, neck and legs in proportion to length and depth of body.”
‘King’ Dobermans are also bred by back yard breaders to mean extra oversized.
So, ask yourself….. do you want a Doberman or a Great Dane? A Doberman not to the standard is NOT capable of its best ability…